All Dutch educational institutes which offer study programmes in art therapy, dance therapy, dramatherapy, and music therapy take part in the KenVaK research centre. These educational institutes include Codarts Rotterdam University of the Arts, HAN University of Applied Sciences, HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, University of Applied Sciences Leiden, NHL-Stenden University of Applied Sciences, and Zuyd University of Applied Sciences, with the latter acting as secretary. KenVaK fine-tunes its research policy with De Federatie Vaktherapeutische Beroepen (the Dutch Federation of Professional Therapeutic Occupations, FVB), and, amongst other things, participates in the FVB’s new structure in terms of knowledge innovation. KenVaK can be regarded as a network-centric organization, and is led by Dr. Anna-Eva Prick. Since September 2014, KenVaK has a special Associate Professor in the person of Professor Dr Xavier Moonen. This special research centre has been named Inclusie van mensen met een licht verstandelijke beperking (Including people with a mild intellectual disability), and is financed by Koraal Groep, an organization for people with an intellectual disability.
KenVaK’s mission is to increase knowledge in the field of arts therapy, so benefiting the quality of education and professional intervention in practice. This has produced three goals:
- to increase the knowledge we have about arts therapies by, for example, researching the effects of various arts therapy interventions
- to implement this new knowledge in training and professionalizing lecturers
- to implement new knowledge in practice and to stimulate the professionalism of arts therapists in practice by means of in-service training and refresher courses.
The extensive KenVaK research program (only in Dutch).
If you want to know more about the coöperative than watch the interview with prof dr Susan van Hooren, published in the ‘Tijdschrift voor Vaktherapie’.
ANNUAL REPORTS (only in Dutch):
Jaarverslag KenVaK 2017-2018.
Jaarverslag KenVaK 2018-2019.
Jaarverslag KenVaK 2019-2020.
Dr Esa Ala-Ruona, Finland
Prof dr Cheryl Dileo, USA
Dr Ditty Dokter, UK
Dr Margaret Hills de Zárate, UK
Prof dr David Read Johnson, USA
Dr Vicky Karkou, UK
Prof dr Sabine Koch, Germany
Prof dr Lisa Hinz, USA
Prof dr Helen Payne, UK
Prof dr Diane Waller
Dr Nisha Sajnani
Prof dr Jorg Fachner
Meeting International Advisory Board in Alcala 11 september 2019:
Presentation Susan van Hooren (KenVaK – IAB meeting Alcala)
Presentation Suzanne Haeijen – Vicky Karkou (Randomised Controlled Trial)
Presentation Celine Schweizer – Liesbeth Bosgraaf (We do science not clients? Arts Therapies Research through small-n designs)
Presentation Sabine Koch – Rosemarie Samaritter (Research Methods: Arts based Research)

Meeting International Advisory Board in Krakow 13 September 2017:
Presentation Susan van Hooren (KenVaK – IAB meeting Krakow)
Presentation Celine Schweizer (Core elements in art therapy with children 6-12 with autisme spectrum disorder
Presentation Lisa Hinz (Future directions in research)

Meeting International Advisory Board in Parlermo 16 September 2015:
Presentation Susan van Hooren (KenVaK – IAB meeting Palermo)
Presentation Ina van Keulen – Simone Kleinlooh (Innovations in Dance Movement Therapy)
Presentation Manon Verdonschot – Martina de Witte ((Be)leef in de wijk)
Presentation Suzanne Haeyen (Effects of Art Therapy in individuals with Personality Disorders cluster B-C)
Presentation Celine Schweizer (What Works in Art Therapy with Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders)
Presentation Lisa Hinz (Methodologies in Art Therapy Research)
Presentation Sabine Koch (Research Perspectives in Arts Therapies – Focus Active factors and a theory model)
Presentation Vicky Karkou (Research in Arts Psychotherapies – Some Directions)
Presentation Annemiek Vink (Music therapy working together for outcome!)
Presentation Nisha Sajnani (Research on the Link Between Training and Research)
Presentation Ditty Dokter (KenVaK International Advisory Board)