This study investigated the success and failure factors of the implementation of a blended music therapy intervention for people with frontotemporal dementia living at home and their caregivers. The intervention consisted of individual music therapy for three months combined with a customized digital support program that was offered via a tablet and could be used at any time by the person with frontotemporal dementia and/or caregiver(s). After this intervention period, both the participants and the music therapists were interviewed to evaluate their experiences with the intervention. In addition, the effects on problem behavior and well-being were monitored via a research tool. This study has provided clear advice for music therapists in practice and has been approved by Alzheimer Nederland. The findings and advice will be published in 2025 and made easily available to national practice. This research is funded by Alzheimer Nederland.
The research concerns a collaboration between Zuyd University of Applied Sciences, Amsterdan UMC, ArtEZ, Roxelane Care and Coöperatie KenVaK. The contact person from Zuyd University of Applied Sciences is Anna-Eva Prick.