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In the Netherlands, around 175,000 children and young people struggle with the effects of a mental disorder which restricts them in varying degrees in their day-to-day life (Dutch Association of Mental Health and Addiction Care [GGZ Nederland], 2015). Despite the availability of effective treatments, it is not possible to provide effective treatment to a considerable number of young people. The ‘Games 4 Therapy’ project by RAAK is a cooperative project between institutions offering prospective healthcare professionals practical training and knowledge centres. It aims to develop an applied game which will enhance the effectiveness of treatment given to young people with externalizing behaviour.
This project was made possible by the RAAK-Publiek grant, which stimulates the cooperation and knowledge exchange between universities and professionals from the public sector. This grant is allocated by the Nationaal Regieorgaan Praktijkgericht Onderzoek SIA, the Dutch national coordinating body which promotes and finances practically-oriented research in universities.
The contact person from KenVaK for this project is Dries Booten.