Creative minds

Een onderzoek van:

ir. Vera Nyssen, dr Anna-Eva Prick, dr Marc Koppert, dr Ronnie Minnaard, drs Kenneth Oti

Nowadays, there is a large demand to prove the effectiveness of arts therapies and increase the evidence of this. When researching the effectiveness of these therapies, questionnaires are often used or research is based on the experiences of clients. Due to therapies’ experiential and activity-oriented nature, it is conceivable that we need to study more unconscious processes by performing measurements on the body in order to produce a picture of the effects of these therapies. Within the framework of the project ‘Creative Minds,’ a community of practice will be established as a place for researchers, lecturers in arts therapies, lecturers in biometry, art therapists, and students to work together. The focus here is to connect the disciplines of biometry and arts therapies. This is so that research can be carried out into identifying which research questions are relevant for further research, as well as into which ways psycho-physiological measurements, such as heartbeat measurements, EEG, or movements, can be performed within arts therapies.

The contact person for this project is Susan van Hooren.

Arousal tijdens rolvertolking in dramatherapie – Aram Verstappen
Beats per minuut – Jael van Vlaanderen
Body effects by creativity – Fleur Naus
De invloed van ritme op onze arousal – Jeroen Rondeel
De Psychofysiologie van Beeldende Therapie (o.a. enquete) – Lisa Luchtenberg
Hartslagvariabiliteit, hartslag en huidgeleiding bij controlled approach– Nathalie Jans
Het beeldende brein – Rachelle Engelbert en Daria Heiendael
Het effect van de maatsoort op arousal – Inga Rothammel
Het hart klopt voor beeldende therapie – Hanne Delbaere
Werkvormen in een raamwerk Expressive Therapies Continuum – Jannita Tesselaar
The measures of dance – Eargelon Florentina en Inéz van Heijningen

Psychofysiologische staten in beeld – Lisa Luchtenberg (following a bachelor thesis at the HU)

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