Stay tuned – ZonMw

Stay Tuned focuses on the working relationship between arts therapists and young people who are involuntarily admitted to a mental health institution. Arts therapists indicate that fostering a working relationship, which is also referred to as a ‘working alliance,’ between the young people and the therapist is an important component in their therapy. General factors such as empathy, trust, and safety play an important role within the working alliance between the young person and the arts therapist. Therapists believe a working alliance makes a crucial contribution to achieving goals: if the therapist does not invest time and effort into fostering a working alliance with the young person, then the process of therapy and successful treatment is virtually impossible. Therapists also indicate that it is precisely within the framework of involuntary admission that the issue around fostering a working alliance is most challenging, and that much of the effort invested into fostering this alliance is based on intuition.

In this project, the alliance monitor by Menger and Donker (2013) will be made practicable for and tested amongst arts therapists and young people who have been involuntarily admitted to a mental health institution. This will develop an aid, which is geared toward the overarching key factor ‘the working alliance,’ for arts therapists who work with young people admitted involuntarily to a mental health institution.

This project was made possible thanks to a grant from the Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development.

The contacts for this project are Gemmy Willemars and Evelyn Heynen.

project Stay tuned.

E-book project Stay tuned.



Bachelor thesis De functie van het medium bij werkalliantie by Jolida van der Linden.

Bachelor thesis Samen door 1 deur by Jos Overes.

Bachelor thesis The Importance of the Therapeutic Alliance in Arts Therapy by Pauline Artz.

Research De functie van het medium bij werkalliantie binnen vaktherapie by Eunice van Kralingen.

Research Werkalliantie tussen vaktherapeut en jongeren in gedwongen kader by Tijs de Boer.

Article Werkalliantie en de kracht van het medium by Eunice van Kralingen and Jolida van der Linden.

Article Werkalliantie vaktherapie en jongeren by Tijs de Boer.





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